Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Big read caption on top " Parliament must have Chinese representatives"
Big black caption on top " Khairy rejects forming a government without Chinese representatives"
Left: Mukeri (Mukri) is punctual to work. Using a punch card for the first time
Mid: Najib greets his parliament members
Right: Zabri/Zambri swore in as Perak's Menteri Besar.

Election Committee of Malaysia said it indelible ink for voting lasts for 7 days at least

The caption on the pics translates to : " On the first day of voting, everyone shows their inked fingers"

" On the night of winning the election, magically all the inks are not seen on their finger anymore"

"Indelible ink that lasts for 7 days? SPITS!"

Malay got into accident, Chinese dropped by to assist

Ini cerita saya tentang kaum Cina di Malaysia. Ini kisah benar yang saya alami. Mereka bukan racist. Kisah ini terjadi di Batu 18 di Bukit Grik pada 13.03.2013. Ini kisah saya sendiri. Jika ramai yang kata Cina racist , saya kata TAK. Keyika hujan renyai-renyak kereta saya berpusing-pusing akibat jalan licin dan terbabas ke bahu jalan. Saya keseorangan ketika itu. Saya dari Kelantan menuju ke Perak. Dah banyak kereta saya tahan akhirnya ada yang Melayu yang berhenti tapi hanya ingin melihat dan pergi begitu saja. Selepas itu ada Cina naik kereta Honda Civic kalau tak silap saya berhenti dan menolong saya. Dia Cina dari Penang. Dia yang menelefon kepada polis dan towing dan memberi makanan dan minuman kepada saya. Melayu yang lain hanya melihat saja. Saya bukan ingin merendahkan kaum Melayu tapi ingin saya tegaskan betapa mulianya seorang Cina yg berlainan bangsa dan agama menolong saya dengan ikhlas. Saya menghulurkan sedikit wang kepadanya tanda terima kasih kerana menolong saya sewaktu kemalangan tetapi dia menolaknya kerana dia kata dia ikhlas tolong saya. Tetapi setelah towing sampai dia menghulurkan duit sebanyak RM50 kpd sy utk meringankan beban tapi saya menolak. Saya nk tegaskan disini , jangan kata Cina itu racist kerana ada dikalangan mereka lagi bagus dari bangsa kita sendiri yg ego ! Jangan cuba menaikkan api perkauman kepada kaum Cina. Mereka juga warganegara juga. Terima Kasih uncle ! We are Malaysian !

Free bus ride for Penang

According to the newly sworn in Penang Chief Minister, Lim Guan Eng, free bus ride will be provided to all people in Penang from Monday to Friday, 6a.m to 9p.m. with an allocation of 10 Million per/year by the Penang state government for public transport.

This move by the CM is pending approval  from "国家基建公司", loosely translated as National Building Agency? (I need help on translating this).

If it's free bus ride, and fully backed up by the State's finance, who wouldn't approve this?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

We're not racists

A while back I had the opportunity to mingle around with a group of International friends in an exchange program and on the first day we had this sort of orientation thing going on where every one was introducing themselves to each other

When it got to my turn, I introduced myself as "BLA BLA BLA, 30 years of age, and I'm chinese".

Puzzled, this friendly Indonesian asked " Are you from Taiwan? China or Hong Kong?"

I answered " No, I'm a chinese in Malaysia"

I thought it was nothing but that night i went back and thought to myself, The Filipino chinese guy before me introduced himself as a Filipino, the Indonesian Chinese introduced herself as Indonesian, but when it got to my turn, I answered that " I am chinese"

Doesn't it occur to you that something is amiss here?

Let me tell you this, our social divide between different races in Malaysia is so strong that subconsciously you say you are your own race instead of your nationality.Why did this happen?

The answer is simple:

We let our leaders play the racism card. It was what we were taught, we grew up to believe and what we practice and this issue must be corrected.

From that day onwards, I told everyone that i met that I am a Malaysian. I will not let racism get the best of me.